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Metal Push Rods Threaded M3xL300mm 2 Sides
Rs.93.22 Rs.74.58
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Metal Push Rods Threaded M2xL300mm 2 Sides
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Hitec D-951TW 32-Bit Metal Case High Torque Titanium Gear Servo
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Hitec HS-311 Servo Standard U Bulk Packing
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Eraze Brushless Rx-R
Rs.6,931.36 Rs.5,544.92
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Its a very nice product at low price...ou can have the Eraze completely assembled less than 60 seconds after you open the box. That's less than a minute. But that's not surprising, because all you have to do is snap the rudder in place – and let the magnets do the rest. All onboard equipment – including a brushless motor and ESC, servos is factory-installed.
Date Added: 09/03/2014 by Devanesan Andrews
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